Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Shocking Relevation
Throughout life we create goals for ourselves to set direction and to help us feel a sense of accomplishment, order, organization, etc. etc. etc. Concurrently, we carry out actions that either support the accomplishment of those goals, act completely independent from acheiving any of our goal, or are completely detrimental or contrary to sometimes even making movement in a forward direction. Not to say the latter actions are bad, evil, illegal, immoral etc. (although they can be), but when one finds that they are consistantly carrying out actions in the last group, you have to make a choice.
Which is a priority for me (at this time)? Happiness through finishing a plan that may take any unknown measure of time to complete, or happiness through instant gratification (and indirectly, procrastination or erosion of goals.)
Choice 1? Throw the actions out of your life that are causing the conflict. Yes, make a CHANGE (the longest "four letter word" ever.) Break the confort zone, run against the pack, be a salmon, set a trend, etc etc etc. Those around you may nay say you and make you feel like you can leave somethings in place "just in case." But why leave the window open on a rainy day because the sun will be out tomorrow?
Choice 2? Redefine your goals. Plain and simple. Throw out any feelings of "settling" or "underacheiving" or "failure" and realize that you may need to stay in a comfort zone a little longer before pushing forward. This has to happen if you go this direction for a very important reason that I experienced within the last 24 hours.
Throughout the day I found myself complaining, almost WHINING, about the fact that I'm not making progress on certain goals and crudely damning people around me that had obviously achieved what I wanted to also achieve. At the same time I was doing this, I was also doing things that did not support any chance of achieving those goals; in fact alot of what I did made me feel like I was going backwards, or even worse, in circles.
This is what happens to us (as I generalize) when goals and actions don't sync. Many refer to it as a "downward spiral" or "standing still."
For those of you out there who read this on a quasi-semi-regular basis, you will get all of the gory details very soon. But I'm walking away from today's entry on here feeling like I need a really big metaphysical trash can to start making the changes I want to make.
Stay tuned.
PS - No, this was not my "OH SHIT" moment.
Which is a priority for me (at this time)? Happiness through finishing a plan that may take any unknown measure of time to complete, or happiness through instant gratification (and indirectly, procrastination or erosion of goals.)
Choice 1? Throw the actions out of your life that are causing the conflict. Yes, make a CHANGE (the longest "four letter word" ever.) Break the confort zone, run against the pack, be a salmon, set a trend, etc etc etc. Those around you may nay say you and make you feel like you can leave somethings in place "just in case." But why leave the window open on a rainy day because the sun will be out tomorrow?
Choice 2? Redefine your goals. Plain and simple. Throw out any feelings of "settling" or "underacheiving" or "failure" and realize that you may need to stay in a comfort zone a little longer before pushing forward. This has to happen if you go this direction for a very important reason that I experienced within the last 24 hours.
Throughout the day I found myself complaining, almost WHINING, about the fact that I'm not making progress on certain goals and crudely damning people around me that had obviously achieved what I wanted to also achieve. At the same time I was doing this, I was also doing things that did not support any chance of achieving those goals; in fact alot of what I did made me feel like I was going backwards, or even worse, in circles.
This is what happens to us (as I generalize) when goals and actions don't sync. Many refer to it as a "downward spiral" or "standing still."
For those of you out there who read this on a quasi-semi-regular basis, you will get all of the gory details very soon. But I'm walking away from today's entry on here feeling like I need a really big metaphysical trash can to start making the changes I want to make.
Stay tuned.
PS - No, this was not my "OH SHIT" moment.
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